“O dear mothers, you have a very sacred trust reposed in you by God! He hath in effect said to you, ‘Take this child and nurse it for Me, and I will give thee thy wages.’ You are called to equip the future man of God, that he may be thoroughly furnished unto every good work. If God spares you, you may live to hear that pretty boy speak to thousands, and you will have the sweet reflection in your heart that the quiet teachings of the nursery led the man to love his God and serve Him. Those who think that a woman detained at home by her little family is doing nothing, think the reverse of what is true. Scarcely can the godly mother quit her home for a place of worship, but dream not that she is lost to the work of the church; far from it, she is doing the best possible service for her Lord. Mothers, the godly training of your offspring is your first and most pressing duty. Christian women, by teaching children the Holy Scriptures, are as much fulfilling their part for the Lord, as Moses in judging Israel, or Solomon in building the temple.”
“The grace of God in a child is a very lovely thing, and it draws forth general approbation (approval / delight). Youthful piety is a very touching thing to me. I see the grace of God in men and women with much thankfulness, but I cannot perceive it in children without shedding tears of delight. There is an exceeding beauty about these rosebuds in the Lord’s garden. They have a fragrance that we find not in the fairest of earth’s lilies. Love is won in many a heart by these tiny arrows of the Lord, whose very smallness is a part of their power to penetrate the heart.”
- two excerpts from "Spiratual Parenting" by Charles Spurgeon
Thank you SGC pastors!! Very encouraging!
Those are SO good! Thanks for posting them!
beautiful! i printed them out to remind myself of these precious truths when I'm - Lordwilling - a mommy someday. thanks, rebekah! love you!!
Lovely reminders that everything we do really does matter, especially on those difficult days. Thanks for posting Rebekah.
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