Friday, May 9, 2008


This morning we went strawberry picking. We met Auntie Abs at the strawberry patch and had a wonderful time. The weather was absolutely perfect. Duncan had a blast. He did not need any encouragement to try that first strawberry. After that he was all about picking/ eating strawberries. He soon learned the difference between green and red berries... haha! By the end his shirt was a strawberry disaster. Auntie Rach met up with us and had fun chasing the boy around the patch. The strawberries are so sweet and juicy. After picking, Duncan and I ate lunch at Moe's. He had so much fun. He was so cute... strawberry juice and all :). Thank you Abbey and Rachael for making this such a fun memory!!!

The Farm...

Just about to start picking...

First bite...

Loving every minute...

His favorite shoes (great for a muddy field)...

Busy picking...

Aunty Abs...

Her bowl of berries...

Auntie Rach...

He looks so little...

Evidence... :)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Exciting News!

This morning we went to our second ultrasound. Brian and I went out to breakfast first. That was so much fun to spend time with him. Our appointment was at 8am. The tech took us right back. I was so excited... a little nervous, but mostly excited. The tech said that the baby looked great. It is always so special to see that little person inside you... wow. I got to see its spine, heart, stomach and bladder. So cute :). Anyway, on to the exciting news... we are going to have a little girl :) Yipeee! I had a slight feeling it was a girl because this pregnancy has been so different, but you never know. With Duncan I knew it was a boy. I had four dreams that I was having an ultrasound and they told me it was a boy. Pretty crazy. I am so grateful that we have a healthy baby girl so far. The tech said she weighs 9 oz. :) I haven't stopped smiling all day. We have her name all picked out, but we will keep that a surprise for her arrival. I posted some of our ultrasound pics. Hopefully you will be able to make some sense of them.

This is her profile...

It's a GIRL!!!!