Monday, February 2, 2009

Our January...

I can't believe it is already February! Fiona will be four months on the 9th. We have been busy this month. Mostly working and recovering after two weeks of having a sick house! The transition back to work has been easier than I imagined. Haha! That's how it generally is... I build it up in my head then God, in his grace, works it all out seamlessly. Not to say it hasn't been challenging. Thanks to my dear mother!!! She watches the little ones at my house and I could not ask for a better situation. She loves them so dearly. I know that they are in very capable hands. My little Duncan is so talkative these days. He just goes on and on in these conversations. They are hilarious. It is super fun to hear what is going on in his head. He LOVES animals and trains. He continues to be an amazing big brother. He is so affectionate and loves to go in with me every morning to see her wake up. He gets super excited and says "Good morning Baby Fi!" My dear little boy. And my little lady is growing everyday. She is still so good natured and content. She loves to be a part of things. She likes to sit up. If she is lying down she lifts her head like she is trying to sit... it is funny. Here are some pictures from this past month...

Here is the most awesome stroller ever! I love it! This was Fiona's first time sitting in it like a big girl! We went to the Zoo with Daddy soon after Christmas on one of those pretty days. The stroller is compatible with her carseat so it usually just pops right in.

my girl and her bows

Looking at her big brother...

Duncan and his cousin Henry at Claire's 4th Birthday Party

Hanging out with Daddy

Loving the exersaucer!

My sick kiddos... aren't they sad!

Duncan's first self portrait! Ha!


abbey said...

I can't believe it's February either. love all the pics! the sick ones are sad... :( had fun with you guys over the weekend! hope your week is great :)

Katherine M. said...

Hi Rebekah, Enjoyed all the beautiful pictures. I agree with Abbey the sick ones are sad. Duncan can't hide when he doesn't feel well. He looks so miserable.
I love taking care of your babies. I hope and pray, though, you will be able to stay home some day soon.
You are such a natural when it comes to being a mother. These days are precious and go by so fast. It's a challenging time, but I consider those days with you all some of the sweetest. Love you, Mom

Wasko Family said...


Your kids are so cute! I'd love to see you (and them).I'm sure you are a great mom! Let's catch up soon, ok? Love you mucho! Mel