Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mommy moments...

I am sitting here on the couch holding my little girl... and she is fast asleep. I love this. How precious moments like these are. I try to put her in her bed most of the time , but I indulge occasionally.:) She is not going to be this tiny for very long. These are the moments that I will treasure always. She is so peaceful... so relaxed... so beautiful. It doesn't get much better than this!


Katherine M. said...

So sweet! One of my favorite moments today was sitting on your couch holding Fiona, and Duncan, who was getting rather tired, came and snuggled up close to me to watch "Sid and the Science Kids" on PBS. I wouldn't trade moments like that for anything. Have a pleasant evening, My Dear. Love you.

abbey said...

Love you sista! It was nice seeing you guys last night..thanks for coming by even though the kiddos were tired! Muah!