Monday, October 5, 2009

Our Fall so far...

Oh my, how I love these two! I get teary just thinking about them! I am blessed! We have been doing well lately... Just keeping busy.

I am now 25 weeks pregnant. Only a little over three months till I have a tiny little baby. I am super excited about meeting a new little person! It is killing me not to know what we are having!! Ahhh, the suspense. However, lately I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed and panicky about having another child... 3 kids 3 and under... yikes. So if you think of me and my family please pray! We have a lot to do before the baby comes and details that we are still not sure about need to fall into place. So any prayers would be greatly appreciated!

I am now a soccer mom! Duncan started soccer last month. He is playing with the PeeWee program in Chesapeake United. It is so cute seeing all those three year olds running around! He is just now participating. At first he just wanted to stay near us. I think the team is becoming more familiar so he is much more comfortable. Brian is volunteering as their coach and he is doing a fantastic job! It is craziness trying to wrangle seven three year olds to do a somewhat organized sport! I am so proud of my boy!

My little lady turns one on Friday! I can't believe it! She is so much fun. She is so affectionate... always giving 'squeezes' and kisses. Oh I love it. She adores her big brother. He gets her to laugh like no one else. It is so dear to watch. He is so kind to her. She isn't walking yet, but she crawls everywhere and pulls herself up. I am crazy about her!

Cozy time on the couch after naps :)

Hope you are loving this gorgeous fall weather as much as I am!!!


Chelsea and Jacquelyn said...

Bek, I LOVE Fiona's bracelet! They are soo adorable. Love you - Jacquelyn

christy said...

Love the pictures. You have such sweet children!