Monday, August 27, 2007

Duncan's party was a great success! We sure did have a house full... I think 27 people showed up. Crazy! Duncan had a great time, and he really enjoyed his cake. We made him a banana cake. (it has no sugar added and it is still pretty tasty. Let me know if you want the recipe). By the end, he was a tired mess. Too much excitement for one day. It was extremely hot that day... like 98 degrees give or take a little. Steamy! Poor Brian, out over the grill and all. A great day of fun for Duncan!


Katherine M. said...

What a fun day celebrating sweet Duncan's first birthday. He is such a joy. He is so loving and affectionate,so dear and cuddly. I pray for all his days Duncan will have a tender and passionate heart for God and others. He is a precious gift from the Lord to both you and Brian and such a blessing to the rest of us. We love having the three of you right around the corner. Hugs, Your mom--Hey, I found a word in the dictionary that I didn't know was a word...cuddlesome--meaning of such a kind to invite cuddling; appealing, sweet, lovable...Duncan is definitely cuddlesome:)

Anonymous said...

yay!! you posted pics :) they look great! he is soooo cute i can't stand it. we had fun watching him last night. he's such a character.

Katie Virginia said...

How precious! I just found your blog via Abbey's.

Duncan is getting so big!

AmyB said...

SOO cute! I love the blue icing! Aren't 1st birthday parties fun?!

BTW- I would LOVE the recipe for that cake! I don't have your email though...I'll get it from Abbey :-)